Electronic government is a priority set by the government of Moldova for 2011-2014 and aims to ensure government transparency and citizen access to data and public interest service as much as possible. It is a whole new change for institutions in Moldova, which in recent years have started to become less transparent and bureaucratic.
One of the first projects of the Center for eGovernment is the open-data service www.date.gov.md. On the project’s website, we can find a large amountof government data provided by state institutions in electronic format.
Also, a public competition announced by e-Governance Center of citizens accepted applications and selected the best three projects:
Alerte.md, a site that collects social problems from citizens and sends them to the local government in order for them to solve these problems. Alerte.md is a project developed by MediaPoint with the support of TOL.
Formulare.md is the largest database of forms of Moldova.
Ambasada.md, a site where you can find information about all embassies in Moldova, study programs, tourism and others.
Moldova is the first country that benefits of e-Transformation initiative launched by the World Bank.