Social Media lessons for the most active youth NGOs from Moldova
The Republic of Moldova has named the most active youth NGOs in 2011. The third place was taken by MediaPoint which is the only organization in Moldova with the purpose of spreading and developing new...
View ArticleElectronic transformation in Moldova
Electronic government is a priority set by the government of Moldova for 2011-2014 and aims to ensure government transparency and citizen access to data and public interest service as much as possible....
View ArticleNew Media project to tackle corruption in Moldova
For a two-day period, 25 young people from Moldova came together to generate ideas for social projects that could be implemented through new media. The “New Media for Social Change” event took place on...
View ArticleMoldovan bloggers get audience with the prime minister
Sometime bloggers complain of being voices in the wilderness; with so many other sources it can be hard to tell if anyone out there is actually paying attention to what they write. This wasn’t the...
View ArticleMoldovan online site broadcasts 10,000th event, the first online TV channel in Moldova, has been transmitting live for almost three years and has now broadcast more than 10,000 events. The website films, transmits, and archives live...
View ArticleThe largest social network in Moldova closes
FACES.MD, the largest social network in Moldova was closed in May this year. Now the site is redirected to an online store. In 2004 -2009, the Moldovan network was a leader in Moldova....
View ArticleThe best 5 ideas will fight at SI Camp Moldova 2012!
SICamp Moldova 2012 will take place this weekend. Out of 134 applicants, only 25 were selected to work in teams on five ideas of projects with social impact. Social Innovation Camp is an event that...
View ArticleOdnoklassniki blocks largest social group in Moldova
On 31 August, the Russian social network Odnoklassniki blocked Nicolae Petrov, a young man of 18 who owned the largest group in Moldova entitled “Latest News from Moldova”. The community of 369,000...
View ArticleA paperless government in Moldova by 2014
E-government is one of the main priorities of the Moldovan government, and this is to ensure transparency and access to public services online. From 1 January 2014 the Moldovan government hopes to be...
View ArticleMoldova wins international ‘Best mGovernment’ prize
The Moldovan government was recently awarded the international “Best mGovernment” prize for their mobile-signature project, according to Moldova’s e-government center. The award for the best...
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